A failed card deposit may be due to a few reasons. While making a deposit, ensure the following:
- The card is issued in your name.
- The card is issued by a credit or financial institution located in the European Economic Area (EEA).
- The card is valid and enrolled for e-commerce transactions.
- The card is linked to a bank account with sufficient funds, and you have not exceeded your daily/monthly limit.
- You successfully completed the 3DS (Three-Domain Secure) check.
- Avoid using virtual cards, as they may not be accepted.
Sometimes, card payments may not be approved by the card issuer. If this happens, contact your card issuer to find out the reason and resolve the issue before attempting another payment with that card.
Your deposit will be complete only after you’ve confirmed 3DS and finalised your payment. If you leave the deposit screen before this, the deposit will fail as the duration was too short to send the request to the card issuer. In this case, the deposit is canceled, and the funds will be returned to you according to the speed of the service provider you are using.
If the money was deducted from your bank account but was not credited to your Change account, please contact our Customer Care team via the app or email us at support@changeinvest.com.
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