When you use your Change card for payments in a currency different from your selected primary Spend balance, up to two conversion rates may apply.
Example: If you have BTC as your primary Spend balance and make a payment in CZK, we will first convert BTC to EUR. Then, we will convert EUR to CZK to process your payment.
- Transactions in foreign currencies will be converted into euros based on the exchange rate provided by Visa Europe on the transaction processing date, which may differ from the actual transaction date.
- Payments in non-EURO currencies are subject to a fee of €0.50 plus 1% of the transaction value.
- For International Payments, a fee of €0.50 plus 1.50% of the transaction value is applied.
For any further assistance or inquiries, please contact our Customer Care team through the app or via email at support@changeinvest.com.
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